
Colour Therapy for Children Certificate course

Colour Crayons Children

This Colour Therapy for Children course trains you to become a child colour therapist and teaches you how to give colour readings using colour therapy cards specially designed for children. It was created and is tutored by our principal, Suzy Chiazzari who is a colour therapy expert and B.Ed trained teacher. It It also explains how each hue reveals an aspect of the child’s inner state and personal situation that may not be apparent. You will then learn how to use colour therapy for children in a number of different situations, as an aid to physical, emotional and mental development, as well as its therapeutic use to support children with special needs.
The course is easy to follow, fully colour-illustrated with lots of interesting tasks and activities for you to try out and give us feedback of your experiences.
Topics covered are:
  • Colour therapy for children and its relevance to our lives.
  • Colour psychology and finding colour personality types.
  • Physical development. How colour affects our growth and behaviour.
  • Using colour as a diagnostic tool. How to give a child colour card reading.
  • Colour and the Aura. Introducing the chakra system to children.
  • Colour as a tool for self-expression. Art therapy and painting.
  • Mental development. Colour as a tool for learning.
  • Colour Therapy for childrens clothing and school uniforms.
  • Therapeutic colours for childrens bedrooms and play areas.
  • Applied Colour Therapy for difficult situations including reducing stress, separation, grief, anger management, hyperactivity.
  • Complementary therapies for children - Rainbow Ray Reiki, colour breathing, colour visualizations, colour touchstones.
  • Colour Therapy during pregnancy including colour visualisations, colour baby massage, Aura-soma for children, colour aromatherapy.

Course Delivery
The course notes can be ordered by email, on CD or printed into workbooks. (workbooks no longer available.)
On enrollment and payment the full course notes are sent to you so you can work at your own speed. The course notes come with a free set of email COLOUR THERAPY CARDS designed specially for children.


Each lesson has a short question sheet asking for feedback on your experiences and one or two practical tasks carried out in that lesson.
Feedback from one diagnostic card reading and two short case studies relating to the use of colour related to any of the topics covered.

Qualification (CThC.)
IWOC accredited Iris School of Colour Therapy Certificate in Colour Therapy (International Qualification), This is sent by email.)

Colour Therapy for Children Certificate course
Please send my courses notes via email
£ 320
Send my course notes in workbooks (UK) only. Not available.
£ 400
Payments are processed securely by our payment partner Worldpay
Fees quotes are in English Pounds (Sterling)
You are also welcome to enroll by post/email and pay with two UK cheques.
Enrolling denotes acceptance of our terms and conditions.
Our refund policy is outlined in the terms and conditions.