
Colour and Style Consultant Diploma


Holistic Colour and style consultancy teaches you how to assess, co-ordinate and find colours and clothing styles to suit your personal colouring and skin tone, your body shape and energy type as well as your personality and lifestyle. Finding your right seasonal colours and clothes style can really act as a catylist for bringing about wonderful changes in your life.

This complete home study course in colour and style consultancy, also shows you how your personal colours and style can reveal your inner beauty, boost your self-confidence and renew your zest for life. By by using colour to tap into your intuition and spirituality you can use the colours you wear to send out and attract positive energy into your life. The colour and style course is suitable for both men and women and it is regularly updated.

Our clothing is our second skin and should reflect and support our inner being and really bring out the best in us. Too many people are slaves to fashion or wear clothes that to reflect their inner problems. By wearing the wrong colours and styles they inadvertantly reinforce a negative image of themselves. The colours give out the wrong signals and so their relationships at home and work suffer.

You will also learn which colours and styles to wear for work and for specific occasions to boost your confidence at special events, interviews, public speaking and presentations, weddings and much more. This course is also suitable for people who want to enter a career in retail or the fashion industry, Wedding organization, as well as buyers and boutique owners who wish to develop their colour and styling skills.

In order to get full benefit from this colour and style consultancy course it is essential to get feedback on your experiences, so the non-tutored option is not available. The course is send via email on easy to follow colour illustrated PDF files, and there are Youtube video links to some practical tasks. Our course is also updated regularly.

10 Lessons

  • How our clothes reflect and affect our lives
  • Colour Psychology and how colours affect our health and mood
  • Colour Theory - how to mix colours well
  • Colour groups and seasonal families
  • Colours and your Personality - colour tests
  • Assessing the colours you wear
  • Finding your personal colours for confidence and support
  • Finding styles and clothes for Ayurvedic colour body types
  • Clothing styles and outfits for your body shape
  • Colours linked to the planets and days of the week
  • Colour counselling. Find your colours for inspiration, protection and healing
  • Choosing colours for special occasions - including weddings
  • Wearing and tying coloured scarves for health and healing
  • Accessories, gems and jewelry
  • Arranging and co-ordinating your wardrobe
  • Capsule wardrobes for different types of holiday
  • Colour fashion trends and forecasting
  • How to draw an outfit with fashion templates

Iris International full Diploma in Colour and Style Consultancy (sent by email) will be awarded to students successfully carrying out the practical tasks submitted during this course and final case study assessment. You will then be able to practice as a colour and style consultant and counsellor.

Students will qualify to join the International Wheel of Colour (IWOC) as a practitioner member. The course includes a pack of four Seasonal colour cards to use when shopping for clothes. You can also join the Color Association of the United States for updates on color trends.

Colour and Style Consultant Diploma
Please send my courses notes via email
£ 420
Please mail my course in two workbooks (UK & Northern Ireland only) CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE
£ 450
Send my course by email in two halves. Payment for first half
£ 220
Send my course by email in two halves. Payment for second half and Diploma
£ 220
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Fees quotes are in English Pounds (Sterling)
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